sábado, 6 de junio de 2009

shine on y o u ~


give me

the chance

to show you

how I really am.

give me the chance

to give you

all of my love

give me the chance

to love you

let me

make you happy

no matter when
no matter where
no matter how
no matter WHY
I'm sure of that.

I know that someday
you will love me
you will let me love you
you will hug me
you will kiss me

and someday
at someplace
we will be happy

I don't care if it will be real or not
I only want to be in your arms

to hear your breathing

to look at the shine of your eyes

to touch you

I don¡t care if I have to wait so long

I will wait forever

for you


1 comentario:

Carolina dijo...

Ahora yo también te sigo, y te leo (? ahora somos amigas vía red por todos lados, face, fotolog, msn, hotmail (? y ahora también blog. Estamos como locas, y vos te estás muriendo, pero yo te amo (L)